Ikaria: The Blue Zone of Relaxation and Longevity

Ikaria, a peaceful Greek island in the Aegean Sea, is the place where relaxation and the absence of stress have become the pillars of a long and fulfilling life. Recognised as one of the world's blue zones, Ikaria, (also spelled Icaria) is distinguished by its leisurely pace of life and its deep connection with nature. The inhabitants not only follow a healthy diet, but have mastered the art of unhurried living, creating an environment that is conducive to both physical and emotional well-being.

Smiling elderly man, among trees in his field.

Key Characteristics Contributing to Longevity

  1. Traditional Mediterranean Diet: The diet in Ikaria is based on fresh, local, plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, and fish. The diet also includes moderate consumption of red wine and low intake of red meat and processed foods.
  2. Active Lifestyle: The inhabitants of Ikaria stay physically active in their daily lives, whether it's walking, working in their gardens, or tending to livestock. This moderate and regular physical activity contributes to their overall health.
  3. Strong Social Life and Sense of Community: In Ikaria, people maintain strong social ties with their family and neighbors, creating a support network that reduces stress and fosters a sense of belonging and well-being.
  4. Relaxed Pace of Life: Life in Ikaria moves at a much slower pace than in large cities. People prioritize rest, including a daily nap, which reduces stress and improves overall health.
  5. Connection with Nature: The island’s natural surroundings not only contribute to a healthy diet, thanks to the availability of homegrown produce, but also instill a sense of tranquility and well-being by living in harmony with the environment.
  6. Sense of Purpose: Many elderly people in Ikaria continue to actively participate in daily tasks, giving them a sense of purpose and keeping them mentally engaged.

These characteristics have enabled the population of Ikaria to have one of the highest longevity rates in the world, with an unusually high proportion of people living past 90 years, often without suffering from serious illnesses.

Ikaria’s Specific Diet

While Mediterranean diets are well known, Ikaria’s is particularly rich in wild herbs and local vegetables like chicory and fennel, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The consumption of herbal infusions is common on the island, with drinks made from sage, rosemary, oregano, and other native plants that aid digestion and cardiovascular health.

Ikaria’s wine, produced on the island, is consumed moderately during meals. Studies suggest that Ikarian wine contains high levels of polyphenols, which may contribute to its protective health effects.

The “Time Mentality” of Ikaria

In Ikaria, time seems to "not exist." People don't adhere to strict schedules, which significantly reduces stress. They wake up late, enjoy long conversations with friends and family, and take naps without feeling pressured by productivity expectations. In fact, it's said on the island that “in Ikaria, people forget to die.”

Strongly Rooted Community Life

Community celebrations, such as "Panigiria" (religious and social festivals), are an integral part of life in Ikaria. These events include music, local food, wine, and dancing, reinforcing social bonds, helping to reduce stress, and strengthening the sense of belonging.

It’s common for multiple generations to live together, caring for each other, which reinforces intergenerational ties and promotes a supportive environment.

Rural Lifestyle and Self-Sufficiency

Ikaria is a relatively remote island with a mountainous landscape that has maintained its traditional way of life. Most residents grow their own fruits and vegetables or raise livestock, ensuring a healthy diet and staying physically active through their connection with the land and their daily work outdoors.

Low Prevalence of Chronic Diseases

In Ikaria, the rate of chronic diseases such as cancer, dementia, and heart disease is astonishingly low. A study found that older inhabitants over the age of 80 are four times less likely to develop dementia than people of the same age elsewhere in the world. This phenomenon is linked to a combination of diet, low stress levels, frequent rest, and an active social life.

Stamatis Moraitis: A Longevity Example

Stamatis Moraitis, a Greek immigrant living in the United States, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in the 1970s. He decided to return to Ikaria to spend his final months, but once back in his homeland, his health gradually improved, and he ended up living nearly 40 more years with no signs of cancer. His story illustrates the powerful impact of Ikaria's environment and lifestyle on health and longevity.


Ikaria is not just an island; it’s a true sanctuary of well-being where longevity is celebrated through a balanced and fulfilling life. The combination of a nutrient-rich diet, a relaxed lifestyle, and the strong social connections characteristic of its inhabitants creates an environment conducive to health and well-being. At Marisma Biomed, we are inspired by these principles to offer products that promote a healthy lifestyle, connecting people with nature and fostering habits that can enhance their quality of life.

Old man walking through the streets of Icaria.

Written by Sara Montaner. We rely on AI technology. Translated by Irene Perea.

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