
Estructura química de uno de los tipos de polifenoles

Polyphenols: A Source of Health and Wellness

Polyphenols are natural compounds that boost health and well-being. Discover how to incorporate them into your diet to improve your health and promote a balanced lifestyle.

Polyphenols: A Source of Health and Wellness

Polyphenols are natural compounds that boost health and well-being. Discover how to incorporate them into your diet to improve your health and promote a balanced lifestyle.

mar salino que refleja el cielo, como metáfora de la necesidad de encontrar sustitutos de la sal como reflejos saludables de esta

Salt Alternatives: Health-Conscious Choices

Salt is a key element in global cuisine, but excessive consumption can lead to health problems such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, finding healthy salt substitutes is crucial.

Salt Alternatives: Health-Conscious Choices

Salt is a key element in global cuisine, but excessive consumption can lead to health problems such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, finding healthy salt substitutes is crucial.

Plantas halófitas (salicornia) medio sumergidas por el agua del mar.

Halophyte Plants: Beauty and Resistance

Halophyte plants stand out in coastal ecosystems, challenging environmental adversities and playing a vital role in the biodiversity and sustainability of unique habitats.  

Halophyte Plants: Beauty and Resistance

Halophyte plants stand out in coastal ecosystems, challenging environmental adversities and playing a vital role in the biodiversity and sustainability of unique habitats.